Sep. 10, 2018
Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd.
Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Daihatsu”) announces that it has formulated the Daihatsu Group Environmental Action Plan 2030.
Daihatsu first formulated a Voluntary Action Plan “Environmental Action Plan,” which defines the direction of the Group’s environmental conservation activities, in 1993. Since then, the Group has evaluated and reviewed the action plan every five years, and engaged in environmental conservation activities accordingly.
The Daihatsu Group Environmental Action Plan 2030 incorporates Daihatsu unique approach and philosophy, and sets out to clarify the direction, goals, and framework of activities of the Group’s medium- and long-term environmental initiatives. The plan focuses on four areas: a low-carbon society; a recycling society; harmonized with nature society; and environmental management.
Daihatsu updated its group slogan to “Light You Up” in March 2017 and seeks to play a central role in the lives of its customers. Building on its previous environmental initiatives, Daihatsu seeks to protect local environments and, by contributing to local communities, further strengthen its relationship with society.