Mar. 01, 2017
Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd.
Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. (hereafter “Daihatsu”) announced today, on March 1, the renewal of its group slogan and additional adoption of a brand vision and brand statement to mark the 110th anniversary of the company’s founding on the day; with the aim of further refining the strengths that Daihatsu has developed thus far, and sharing the company’s new vision of itself for the future with everyone, both within the company and outside. The word “light” in the new slogan “Light you up” carries the meanings of both a source of illumination shining into darkness, and lightness in terms of both weight and feel. The slogan is intended to express Daihatsu’s unchanging determination and resolve to continue striving to achieve its two missions, of illuminating each and every one of its customers by offering them a bright and shining lifestyle, through the provision of finely tuned products and services, and lightening their emotional load through the provision of compact cars that place minimal burden on their lifestyles, and on the environment.
<New group slogan>
<Brand vision>
The Daihatsu Group
Broadening life’s mobility
to support various lifestyles around the world
in freely enjoying brilliant individual lives.
<Brand statement>
Light illuminates the darkness.
This reflects Daihatsu’s mission to illuminate the finer parts of customers’ needs, where light did not
reach until now; and to pursue the creation of finely tuned products and services that will make
customers feel and say that a particular product or service was made especially for them, and no one
Light is also lightness in terms of weight or burden. This reflects the way in which Daihatsu offers mobility lifestyle solutions that are lightweight in terms of the burden placed on both the global environment and on family finances; solutions to match the way of life in the coming age, where people will choose only the things that they feel are truly necessary for themselves.
Directing light and lightening the load: Daihatsu’s future lies in these two meanings of the word light. Delivering a “light” lifestyle to each and every person in the world. That is where the true uniqueness of Daihatsu lies. Daihatsu will become a “mobility life” planner that creates specialized and optimal solutions for each and every one of its customers; seeking to create a world in which every person can find their own unique color, and their own shining light.
<The ideas reflected in the word “light”>