Daihatsu Announces Organizational Changes

Nov. 30, 2018
Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd.

Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. announced it has reviewed its systems for officers and executives, and will be carrying out organizational changes and reform with effect from January 1, 2019.

I.Main Points of Change/Reform

1) Approach

  • Develop an organization that is close to consumers and prompt in responding to market changes so as to be a company that is intimately connected to its customers.
  • In addition, revise the system for business execution with the aim of achieving speedy management as well as developing and expanding the involvement of next-generation management talents.
  • Through these changes, manifest the strengths of the Daihatsu Group, and contribute to the maximization of the Toyota Group’s value.

2) Review of management state and mechanisms

  • The officer system will be revamped to change the current “Director (Senior Managing Executive Officer)” to the new position of “Director (Officer),” and “Senior Managing Executive Officer” to the new position of “Officer” as officers under the new system. Those under the “Director (Officer)” positions will shift to take on roles for responding to Group or company-wide issues.
  • General managers and equivalent will be merged with the existing officers in the positions of “Senior Executive Officer” and “Executive Officer” to form a new “Executive” level of position.
  • Issues to be worked on will be taken on with a sense of speed by making business execution the responsibility of chief officers and deputy chief officers. Chief officers and deputy chief officers will be selected from officers and executives.

3) Organizational reform

  • Business unit and group organization has been reviewed for speedy management and to strengthen the roles of chief officers. The current system of three business units and 10 sections will be reorganized into a system of five units and 12 groups.
  • The organization of divisions and departments have been reorganized so as to work on improving competitiveness to even higher levels compared to existing levels.
  • The Lifestyle & Cars Research Institute will be newly established to create a new organization which will succeed in competition during a major period of change happening once in a hundred years and step into the future. Research will be made into the essence of car-making from the perspectives of customers, and the understanding of needs obtained will be applied as early as possible.

II. Details of Organizational Reform

1.Review of business unit system

<New organization> 5Unit 12Group

Unit Group
Corporate Business Unit - Corporate Planning Group
- Business & Product Planning Group
Administration Unit - Administration Group
DNGA Business Unit - R&D Connect Group
- Vehicle R&D Group
- Powertrain R&D Group
Production, Engineering,
Purchasing Unit
- Purchasing Group
- Production Control & Engineering Group
- Production Group
Brand Business Unit - Domestic Sales Group
- Overseas Business Group
- Customer Service Group
- Research Institute of car and life-style

<Current organization> 3Unit 10Section

Unit Section
Corporate Business Unit - Corporate Planning Center
- Administration Center
- R&D Center
DNGA Business Unit - Vehicle R&D Group
- Powertrain R&D Group
- Purchasing Group
- Productio Engineering Group
Brand Business Unit - Business & ProductPlanning Office
- D Brand Office
- Customer Service Office

2.Organizational chart

III. Changes of Directors and Executive Officers as of January 1, 2019


<1> Change in representation right and title

Name New Title Current Title
Hiromasa Hoshika - Executive Vice President - Director (Senior Managing Executive Officer)

<2> Change in title of executive officers holding concurrent positions

Name New Title Current Title
Sunao Matsubayashi - Director(Operating Officer) - Director (Senior Managing Executive Officer)
Noriyoshi Matsushita - Director(Operating Officer) - Director (Senior Managing Executive Officer)
Yoshifumi Kishimoto - Director(Operating Officer) - Director (Senior Managing Executive Officer)

<3> Retiring Directors ※ As of December 31, 2018

Name Current Title
Hiroyuki Yokoyama - Executive Vice President
Hiroji Onishi *1 - Director (Senior Managing Executive Officer)
Shigeharu Toda *1 - Director (Senior Managing Executive Officer)
Kenji Yamamoto - Director *2

*1 … Only stepping down as director
*2 … Non-resident. Outside board member under Japanese corporate law

<Reference> Structure of directors and corporate auditors as of January 1, 2019

<1> Directors


Name New Title
Masanori Mitsui - Chairman
Soichiro Okudaira - President
Hiromasa Hoshika ○ - Executive Vice President
Sunao Matsubayashi/ - Director(Operating Officer)
Noriyoshi Matsushita - Director(Operating Officer)
Yoshifumi Kishimoto - Director(Operating Officer)
Moritaka Yoshida * - Director

* … Non-resident.

<2>Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Name New Title
Norihide Bessho - Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Masaki Nakatsugawa * - Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Yoshiki Kitajima * - Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Fusahiro Yamamoto * - Audit & Supervisory Board Member

* … Outside corporate auditor under Japan’s Companies Act

2.Executive Officer

<1> Change of executive officer

<◎New appointment, ○Promotion>

Name New Title Current Title
Hiroji Onishi - Operating Officer - Director (Senior Managing Executive Officer)
Shigeharu Toda - Operating Officer - Director (Senior Managing Executive Officer)
Katsuhiro Ikoma - Operating Officer - Senior Managing Executive Officer
Katsumi Marutani - Operating Officer - Senior Managing Executive Officer
Masanori Takahashi - Operating Officer - Senior Managing Executive Officer
Tatsuro Takami ◎ - Operating Officer - Managing director, Toyota Motor Corporation
Miki Ibaraki ○ - Operating Officer - Senior Executive Officer

IV. Directors’ and Executive Officers’ Main Areas of Responsibility

1.Director ,Executives’ Titles and Areas of Responsibility


Name Areas of Responsibility
Hiromasa Hoshika ○ - Executive Vice President
- Assistant president
- Corporate Business Unit Supervisor
- Brand Business Unit Supervisor
Sunao Matsubayashi - Director(Operating Officer)
- DNGA Business Unit
- Emerging-market Compact Car Company,Chief Technical Officer
Noriyoshi Matsushita - Director(Operating Officer) - Administration Unit Supervisor
Yoshifumi Kishimoto - Director(Operating Officer)
- Production, Engineering, Purchasing Unit Supervisor

2.Executive Officer

<◎New appointment, ○Promotion>

Name Areas of Responsibility
Hiroji Onishi - Operating Officer
- Chief Officer, Business & Product Planning Div.
Shigeharu Toda - Operating Officer
- Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn.Bhd.
Katsuhiro Ikoma - Operating Officer
- Research Institute of car and life-style, Head
Katsumi Marutani - Operating Officer
- R&D Connect Group, Chief Officer
Masanori Takahashi - Operating Officer
- Perodua Auto Corporation Sdn. Bhd.
Tatsuro Takami ◎ - Operating Officer
- Customer Service Group, Chief Officer
Miki Ibaraki ○ - Operating Officer
- Powertrain R&D Group, Chief Officer

V. Executives’ Areas of Responsibility

1.Chief Officer

Name Areas of Responsibility
Hirotaka Yanagi - Corporate Planning, Chief Officer
Osamu Naruse - Administration, Chief Officer
- Branch Manager, Tokyo Office
Hideki Teramae - Vehicle R&D Group, Chief Officer
Tadao Nasu - Production, Engineering, Purchasing Unit
- Toyota Daihatsu Engineering & Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Toshinori Edamoto - Purchasing Group, Chief Officer
Hajime Nakayama - Production Control & Engineering Group, Chief Officer
Katsuhiro Hino - Production Group, Chief Officer
Yusuke Takeda - Domestic Sales Group, Chief Officer
Kunihiro Morimoto - Overseas Business Group, Chief Officer
- Customer Service Group, Deputy Chief Officer
Tetsuo Miura - P. T. Astra Daihatsu Motor

2.Deputy Chief Officer

Name Areas of Responsibility
Atsuhiko Tanimoto - Corporate Planning, Deputy Chief Officer
Hisashi Matsuda - Business & Product Planning, Deputy Chief Officer
Yasushi Kyoda - Administration, Deputy Chief Officer
Kenji Toyoda - Administration, Deputy Chief Officer
Akira Shimonishi - R&D Connect Group, Deputy Chief Officer
Kouji Ishikura - Vehicle R&D Group, Deputy Chief Officer
Eiji Mishima - Powertrain R&D Group, Deputy Chief Officer
Hitoshi Nakagawa - Purchasing Group, Deputy Chief Officer
Hiroki Uehara - Production Group, Deputy Chief Officer
- Branch Manager, Head(Ikeda)-Kyoto Plant
Seiji Oue - Production Group, Deputy Chief Officer
- Branch Manager, Shiga(Ryuo)Plant
Hajime Fujita - Research Institute of car and life-style, Deputy Head
Masaki Ogita - P. T. Astra Daihatsu Motor