Fundamental Approach
Contribution to
Local Communities
Initiatives at Overseas
Business Sites
Releasing baby turtles
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) has been working to protect sea turtles since 2011 as part of biodiversity measures to support the Sustainability Development Goals. In July 2022, ADM continued to expand this action by establishing the “Kurma Asih Sea Turtle Conservation and Education Center” in Perancak, Bali in collaboration with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia. ADM also donated facilities that support environmental conservation education, participated in beach cleanup programs with students, and in July 2022 concluded the MoU on the extension of cooperation between ADM and the government in protecting sea turtles and their habitats. Until 2022, ADM supported sea turtle protection measures in seven conservation sites, and also has hatched and released more than 400,000 hatchlings throughout Indonesia since 2010.
Vocational school students in front of a dojo center
ADM incorporates Dojo Center Program at vocational schools, that are equivalent to general training facilities in the manufacturing industry. The purpose of these dojo centers is to provide the hard skills (welding & assembling and other techniques) as well as soft skills such as basic mentality, safety, 5S which vocational students need to work in the manufacturing industry. ADM donates engines, transmissions, and other parts to the dojo centers, provides human and financial cooperation, and supports their operation. ADM has supported 450 Vocational Schools in Indonesia since 2008 and has completed seven dojo centers, and will add an additional nine Dojo Center until March 2024.
A donation of infection prevention goods to Jimah Baru Elementary School
Daihatsu Perodua Engine Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. (DPEM), an engine production subsidiary, continuously donated racks (shelves) and goods for preventing the spread of infection including masks and disinfectant spray to six elementary schools and two mosques in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan as of August 31, 2022. The racks were made by reusing products from DPEM’s warehouse, and its employees went to elementary schools and mosques to assemble them. In conjunction with the easing of measures to prevent the spread of infection in Malaysia, personal interactions have resumed, and students at the schools that received the donations welcomed the employees with songs and dancing. DPEM will continue activities that help enable members of the local community to lead safe and healthy lives.
A Tweckbot staff inspects one of Perodua’s vehicles
The Perodua Tweckbot is an initiative by Perodua1 to promote safety through vehicle inspections for its customers. The compact carmaker began this initiative in 2011 and has since then inspected over 10,000 vehicles (as of the end of November 2022). Perodua started the program as it realized that the key to safety is through proper car maintenance—especially if the driver wants to go on a long journey. To ensure that the Perodua Tweckbot program is done properly, the compact car company instructed its staff2 to perform a 50-point vehicle check (focusing on critical functions such as brakes and the vehicle engine) and give the safety check report to the customer for further action. The staff which performed the check will also speak to the customer about the importance of consistent vehicle inspection for both safety and performance.
1. A collective name for Daihatsu’s manufacturing and sales joint venture companies in Malaysia
2. The locations of Tweckbot staff can be found on Perodua’s Twitter