One of the areas of Daihatsu’s SDG framework categories, which have been formulated as priority areas for sustainability initiatives, is “developing a safe and secure society in which everyone respects human rights and diversity.” In order to realize this goal, we established our corporate policies for 2022: “create workplaces and culture in which employees can work safely and happily,” making “emphasis on diversity” a theme that requires further focus. We believe that we can achieve further growth of Daihatsu by respecting diverse values with no tolerance of any form of discrimination at the workplace such as discrimination based on gender, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital status, or the presence of children, as well as by creating an environment in which each employee can maximize their abilities. In addition, we conducted the Universal Manner* Certification Level Three diversity training in fiscal 2022 as one of the items verified by both labor and management to promote the understanding of diversity and fostering of an internal culture that accepts diverse human resources, achieving a 100% participation rate. By continuing these efforts, we aim to both promote understanding of diversity and inclusion and to become a company which leaves no one behind and enables employees to experience job satisfaction.
* Manners to act with appropriate understanding from the perspective of someone different from oneself, such as the elderly or people with disabilities
Daihatsu has been using the empowerment of women in the workplace, balancing work and child-raising, and other issues as opportunities to promote work-life balance for all employees as a top management commitment. Since the core users of Daihatsu vehicles are women and families with small children, it is particularly important for us that women can play an active role in the company. Accordingly, we have set ambitious goals aimed at improving women’s empowerment in the workplace, and promote them in a systemic manner.
Daihatsu’s Goals by March 2025 in Line with the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life
1. To double the number of women in managerial positions, compared to 2020
2. To ensure childcare leave is taken by 100% of eligible male employees
Key Initiatives to Achieve Daihatsu’s Goals
Daihatsu opened and has operated the Daihatsu no Mori Hoikuen nursery in Ikeda City, Osaka Prefecture for Daihatsu Group employees since 2019. It was planned by a working group focused on women under the keyword of “creating together.” It is a facility that is designed to accommodate employees who are trying to balance work and childcare.
When hiring people with disabilities, Daihatsu aims to create an environment in which each division in the company accepts suitable personnel and can grow together. Though we have already met the legally mandated employment ratio (2.3% in fiscal 2023), we established an internal working group in 2022 to further increase this ratio and promote the hiring of people with experience. We work to prevent mismatches in hiring through measures such as pre-interviews and workplace training. We also assign a central person at each workplace to promote the retention of employees with disabilities and support them in their duties. In addition, we are strengthening retention efforts by establishing a consultation desk with the cooperation of specialists from external public institutions. We also accept new graduates from special needs schools and have established a workshop where employees engage in tasks such as packaging small unit parts. We are also working on infrastructure improvements such as the addition of Braille blocks and wheelchair-accessible toilets.
Assorted boxes of snacks for sales promotion
A toilet for people with disabilities
Training for a fulfilling private and work life after retirement
Daihatsu revised its reemployment system for union members and expanded it in 2018 as a senior expert system in order to allow employees to fully display the skills and know-how they have developed within the company even after reaching retirement age. Additionally, we conduct Age 50 Training to give employees the opportunity to think about post-retirement life, working styles, and career plans. We promote the creation of workplaces, production lines, and processes that are easy for senior employees to work in, and have discussion systematically and assign duties in a way that aligns with their desired workstyles.
Daihatsu operates production sites in Indonesia and Malaysia. For this reason, we have been accepting foreign technical interns since 2015; the twin goals of these internships are to promote cultural exchanges between young people in Southeast Asia and Japan, and to contribute to the development of automotive industries in Southeast Asia. An annual average of 150 interns have been accepted thus far, primarily from Indonesia, to work at our Kyoto (Oyamazaki) Plant and Shiga (Ryuoh) Plant, where they are involved in automobile manufacturing and receive skill acquisition support. Based on the basic principles of the government’s intern training systems, we provide our interns with the same salary, benefits, and leave as full-time employees in similar positions. We create a living environment appropriate to interns who believes in Islam, taking into consideration their religion, cultures, and customs. Initiatives include renovating dormitories so they include prayer rooms, dedicated kitchens, and shower rooms for Muslim interns, as well as offering Halal food.* We also provide opportunities for the interns living in the dormitories to participate actively in local cleanup and other activities and broaden their perspectives through interaction with local residents. Through this, we hope that interns will be able to use their experience to contribute to the automobile industries in their home countries upon the completion of their internships. In addition, we accept new graduates fairly and equitably regardless of their nationalities, and foreign employees are active in a variety of divisions.
* Halal food refers to food and dishes that have been prepared in accordance with Muslim dietary requirements
Prayer room
Halal foods
Practical operation training at a plant
Regular visits by a management organization and intern interviews