As a member of the Toyota Group, Daihatsu takes measures to respect human rights in accordance with “Toyota’s Human Rights Policy.” We understand that our business activities may potentially or actually have an impact on human rights, and we give the utmost consideration to avoid infringing the rights of others and take action with a sense of ownership to address the negative impacts of our business activities on human rights.
The automobile industry is supported by an extremely large number of people, not limited to customers, but also including local residents, suppliers, dealers, and other business partners. In the future, we will continue to protect and improve the human rights of all people involved in our business activities, including employees, so that we can prosper along with all stakeholders to achieve our vision.
Daihatsu respects the fundamental rights of all employees including employees of Group companies and in the entire supply chain. We strive to create safe and healthy work environments where the diverse individual values of all employees are accepted so that they can demonstrate their abilities, and we engage in ongoing dialogue with employees to develop a shared understanding of and solve management issues. In addition, we respect employees’ right to freedom of association and right to be free from being compelled to belong to an association under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries where we conduct business. We have long worked to build healthy labor-management relationships by respecting the will of the workers union and repeatedly engaging in good-faith discussions and consultations. We will continue to respect the freedom of association and build relationships that enable both labor and management to benefit.
Daihatsu implements training for all employees regarding human rights issues, non-discrimination, and open and honest dialogue. In 2022, we held company-wide training with the theme of “Business and Human Rights” in conjunction with the national Human Rights Week. This training covered the importance of respect for human rights, the responsibility required of companies, and points for all Daihatsu employees to keep in mind. Through this training, we ensured that all employees are thoroughly aware of the importance of respecting the human rights of all people involved in our business, including business partners and customers, and that employees conduct business with consideration for the human rights violations that they could be indirectly involved in or contributing to. Furthermore, we conduct necessary human rights education when training new employees and managers in accordance with their positions and responsibilities.
In addition, we have joined external organizations involved in human rights awareness for educational purposes, to gather information and stay updated.
Daihatsu has been inviting all employees at its sites in Japan to submit human rights slogans every year since the late 1970s and presenting awards during Human Rights Week in December in order to make human rights feel more personal.
(participants: 140; total training time: 1,120 hours)
Daihatsu implements training with the theme of human rights as part of its training for new employees. We have also established Human Rights and Diversity Day for intensive training solely on this topic in order to encourage employees to learn about human rights issues such as discrimination and harassment, and to promote both the correct understanding of human rights and behavior based on mutual respect.
(participants: 60; total training time: 480 hours)
Daihatsu invites outside experts to conduct training on coaching knowledge and skills to enable everyone to practice communication that does not lead to harassment over the course of their duties.
(participants: 230; total training time: 230 hours)
Daihatsu implements compliance training for newly appointed section managers and assistant managers, and gives lectures on management that respects human rights. Through this training, we ensure awareness of internal controls that prevent human rights violations.
Conducted unconscious bias awareness training, which is essential for achieving diversity
(participants: 230; total training time: 230 hours)
Daihatsu provides training for employees that have been promoted to the assistant manager level in order to help them understand human rights that should be respected in day-to-day management. In doing so, we strive to create a positive work environment that values diversity.