Oct. 01, 2021
Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd.
Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Daihatsu”) announced today that it had released some information on the new Rocky to be launched for sale in November 2021 on its official website and that it had started a test drive booking campaign.
Since its launch in November 2019, the Rocky, a compact SUV, is highly regarded by many customers. Classed as a small passenger vehicle, the Rocky features good maneuverability, spacious cabin and ample luggage space as well as powerful design for a vehicle that can be used in all manner of scenarios from everyday life to leisure activities.
The new Rocky runs on the “e-SMART HYBRID” system, a 100% electric motor-driven series hybrid system. It is equipped with a newly-developed 1.2 L engine that has been optimized for hybrid systems. The test drive booking campaign and information on the new Rocky can be accessed via a special website on the official Daihatsu website.
Based on its “Light you up” approach, Daihatsu will continue to provide optimal mobility to each and every one of its customers, and cater to their needs via its extended range of mini vehicles and compact cars.