Environment Month Events / Environmental Education

Environment Month Events

The President’s Message The President’s Message released within the Group on June 1, 2022

The Daihatsu Group carries out Environment Month activities every June. In his President’s Message for fiscal 2023, President Soichiro Okudaira declared that, in response to the formal agreement reached at COP26 that all countries globally will work toward achieving the 1.5°C target, Daihatsu established the “product electrification strategy” and “strategy for zero CO2 emissions in production” as corporate policies and will work to achieve a low-carbon, pollution-free society through the Group’s business activities. President Okudaira further stated that for the Group to remain a business enterprise trusted by society, creating a recycling society in harmony with nature will be the most fundamental activity for the Group.

Environmental Education

Internal auditor training sessions Internal auditor training sessions

Daihatsu’s environmental education aims to nurture people with high environmental awareness, who deepen their knowledge and understanding of environmental conservation activities, and who act on their own initiative. We carry out this education systematically in line with the content of each employee’s work. In the new recruit education and general education programs—targeted at new recruits and general employees respectively—educators at Daihatsu’s business sites provide instruction on job and environmental responsibilities, and employees put this instruction to good use in their everyday work. Employees responsible for promoting our environmental initiatives undergo specialized programs of environmental management education and legal compliance training using materials created in partnership with third-party training institutions.

Environmental Education Structure Chart

1. Rank-specific training
M1: Develop well-balanced managers who can incorporate E into SQCD—understanding and execution of environmental action plans
C2: Develop personnel who understand environmental conservation activities and comply with laws—overview of environmental laws and regulations and internal rules
Newly appointed assistant foreman level: Develop personnel who understand environmental conservation activities and comply with laws—environmental laws and prevention of near-miss environmental abnormalities and accidents
New employees: Foster understanding of corporate environmental conservation activities—fundamentals of global environmental issues, environmental performance of automobiles, etc.
2. Provision of information to on-site workers and contractors, delivery personnel, and primary contractors who perform construction work
3. Overview of environmental laws and regulations and prior investigation of environmental conservation, energy, and chemical substances