Basic Philosophy /
Fundamental Approach /
Overall Image of Initiatives
Daihatsu Group
Environmental Action Plan
2021 Review of the Seventh
Daihatsu Environmental
Action Plan (2025 Targets)
Aiming to achieve a sustainable society, we in the Daihatsu Group actively strive to reduce environmental load and to improve environmental issues in all stages of the car creating business from planning to final disposal.
In addition, we share the details of our activities with our global stakeholders and work cooperatively on social contribution.
* These activities are taken by sharing and promoting the “Toyota Earth Charter” as a member of the Toyota Group
1. Contribution toward a prosperous 21st century society
In order to contribute toward a prosperous 21st century, we aim to grow in harmony with the environment and challenge zero emissions in all areas of our business activities.
2. Pursuit of environmental technologies
Pursue all possible environmental technologies by developing and establishing new technologies that realize both environment and economy.
3. Voluntary actions
Develop a voluntary improvement plan based on thorough preventive measures and compliance with laws that addresses environmental issues on the global, national and regional scales, and undertake continuous implementation.
4. Working in cooperation with society
Build close and cooperative relationships with a wide spectrum of individuals and organizations involved in environmental conservation, including governments and local municipalities, in addition to affiliated companies and related industries.
Daihatsu offers a lightness of feeling through provision of small cars that place minimum load on customers’ lifestyles and on the environment. We want to fulfill our corporate responsibility to protect the global environment for the next generation.
The Daihatsu Group’s* slogan is “Light you up.” We continue to provide life’s mobility to support various lifestyles around the world in freely enjoying brilliant individual lives.
To realize that our responsibility is harmonious coexistence with the earth and society, we formulated the “Daihatsu Group Environmental Action Plan 2030.” In line with this plan, we take on the challenges of activities aimed at realizing a society focused on low carbon, recycling society, and harmony with nature.
Each employee in the Daihatsu Group will maintain a high awareness of environmental conservation as they carry out this action plan.
* Daihatsu Group: Subsidiaries, companies subject to the equity method
As a member of the Toyota Group, Daihatsu is working toward achieving the “Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050,” a statement of long-term objectives for 2050. The “Daihatsu Group Environmental Action Plan 2030” is a medium-term initiative unique to Daihatsu for the period up to 2030. In accordance with this plan, we are taking action to achieve a low-carbon society, recycling society, and society in harmony with nature.